Having an extra day off or a long weekend is always a source of joy! This applies to the weekends during Easter, but certainly also to Pentecost or the Whit Sunday (White Sunday), as it is commonly called in the Netherlands.
If you are looking forward to something to do during the Pentecost 2023, look no more. We have compiled some information for you, such as when exactly is the Whit Sunday in the Netherlands this year, as well as what to do during the celebration.
When is the Whit Sunday and Pentecost?
The date of Pentecost varies annually and is related to the date of Easter and Ascension.
Ascension and Pentecost are linked, with the Pentecost starting ten days after the Ascension and 50 days after Easter.
In 2023, the Ascension falls on Thursday, May 18th, which means that the Pentecost Sunday will be on May the 28th. It is followed by Pentecost Monday follows the next day, on Monday May the 29th.
What do we celebrate on the Pentecost and WhitSunday?
As you may know, like many holidays in the Netherlands, the Pentecost is a Christian holiday. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. The moment the apostles of were enlightened with fiery tongues by the Holy Spirit.
Is the Pentecost a day off in the Netherlands?
It’s good to know that Pentecost 2023 falls on a Sunday and a Monday, as is the case every year. Naturally, the Sunday is a non-working day for most, as is most common. However, know that, for many, the Monday is a non-working day, and you will therefore have the opportunity to enjoy a slightly longer week-end.
However, this does not mean that the country stops living. Although opening hours on Whit Sunday and on the Monday are usually a bit different, most shops, supermarkets and various businesses and attraction remain open.
The Monday in particular is popular among day-trippers, who venture out to visit fairs, music festivals, and spring festivals. Furniture stores and garden centers also tend to see a very high frequentation on these days.
What to do in The Netherlands during the Pentecost?

During this long weekend, the weather is usually good, therefore ideal for a day out. Below are some ideas for what to do.
Visit an amusement park
The Netherlands is home to a large number of amusement parks that are worth a visit, even during the Pentecost.
For example, you can visit the Efteling or Slagharen during the entire Pentecost weekend, including for an overnight stay. You can also visit Walibi Holland for the entire weekend, as well as on Monday from 10:00 to 18:00.
Worried about long traffic jams towards the parking lot? Most Dutch amusement parks are easily accessible through public transport. Just make sure to check the hours online, as timetables on these days may change.
Are you travelling to the Netherlands from France? If you take the car, check out our guide of the French toll rates, and budget accordingly for you road trip.
Enjoy markets and street clearance sales
During both the White Sunday and the Pentecost Monday, you can visit various markets and braderieën (street clearance sales) across the country.
If you live in Zeeland or have traveled to the coast during the Pentecost weekend, you can visit the Boulevardmarkt in Vlissingen or the Den Haag Schilderswijk Braderie, for example.
Feeling like something bigger? Then go to the Pinksterfeesten in Nistelrode, with up to 100 stalls, a large fair, and evening entertainment with live music and street theater. This event takes place on Sunday, May 28th.
Go shopping
As mentioned before, furniture shops are usually popular during this small Dutch holiday, but visiting The Mall of the Netherlands is also a popular choice.
This giant mall is open from 10:00 to 20:00 on both First Pentecost Sunday 2023 and Pentecost Monday. If you want to use the week-end to shop for new furniture, you can also visit the XXL Woonboulevard in Breda or the Woonmall Villa ArenA in Amsterdam, for example.
To avoid long traffic jams towards the city or the indoor shopping center, it’s best to take the bus. For example, The Mall of the Netherlands can be reached by tram, which stops right in front of the door. For Villa ArenA, you can get off at the corresponding Bijlmer ArenA station by train or metro. From there, it’s just a 5-minute walk to the shops.
Take the opportunity for a holiday
If you’re planning to go on holiday around this period of the year, it can be a good idea to choose the week of the Pentecost. Indeed, the Monday being day off, this will give you an extra day.